Day 59 – Scott “Scott-o” Hollingsworth

In the late 90’s I was finding my place in the magic world and honing my craft as a stage magician and illusionist.

No single individual or venue had more of an impact on making me a better performer than Magic Island in Houston, TX – and most importantly, the Director of Entertainment – Scott Hollingsworth.

I worked Magic Island a total of 6 times, two weeks each time, and every night we’d do anywhere between 1 and 4 shows. I liked the nights with 2-4 shows – it meant that I got to fine tune routines in front of an audience more often – my purpose for working Magic Island was to get better at what I do.

What was special about Magic Island, and about Scott-o, is the audiences there were not made up of magicians, professional or hobbyist, but instead, of real people (laymen). Each and every show Scott would watch my act from the back of the room – and each and every night we’d visit afterwards (usually at the Bennigan’s nearby) and he’d give us one or two things to tweak in the show – something that had drawn his eye, a potential bit of business, or an alternate way to try a move or a line. Sometimes it was just pointing out a nervous habit or bit of filler language. Whatever it was, it was always easy enough to implement a change the next day.

Just one or two things… each and every night.

One or two things every night – 5 nights a week for 12 weeks total.

That’s about 120 tiny improvements – assuming 2 a night. Plus it was never advice to build something new, do a complete restaging – it was bite sized, work with what you have, advice. Smart advice from a guy who’d seem more magicians work in front of a normal audience than just about anyone else in the country.

After the first run we did (I think it was in 1996) my Kimmi came to see the show on the last night and noticed dramatic changes from the second the curtain opened, until our last bow.

The time that Scott took with us to help me improve was not required of him. It wasn’t necessary. He did it because we ASKED him to critique us – we valued his opinion greatly. He gave so much to us in the way of valued information and generous enthusiasm to help that I can never repay him – nor do I think that he wants or expect repayment.

Not a performance goes by, whether it’s magic, hypnosis, or even one of the game shows that I produce, that is not affected by my friendship with, and the advice I’ve gotten from Scott Hollingsworth.

Scott-o – I’ve tried to say thank you over the years – but I want you to know how much I appreciate the chance you gave me by bringing me into Magic Island, and by bringing me back as many times as you did.  You are truly a treasure. Thank you.


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