Day 76 – Those who gave all – Memorial Day

C.J. with his High School classmate at Arlington National Cemetary.

My short vacation in Vegas with the Epic Circle and a hectic few days of shows have kept me from this blog for a few days.

I could not let it go today, Memorial Day, of all days, without expressing my gratitude to those who have died in the defence of our country. Those who gave all.

Don’t confuse Memorial Day with Veteran’s Day. Today is about those who died in the service to our country. It’s a day of remembrance, not of celebration.

If you enjoy the freedom to disagree with your government, to practice the religion of your choice, to keep an bear arms, to be free from illegal search and seizure of your property – those are the principles that the men and women being remembered today died for.

Many of them died fighting in wars that they disagreed with, but they fought because they believed in America.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

It would be great if we never had to add another name to the list of those who died in the service of our country and on this Memorial Day 2011, I hope that no one you know or love is ever added to that list. If someone you love is being remembered today, I recognize your sacrifice and I feel deeply for you and your family.


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