Day 82 – Milestone Events

I’ve been quiet and behind on this project for a week because I’ve been performing at Grad Night events in Texas and California, then a trip to Iowa to celebrate the 50th anniversary of my in-laws (their actual anniversary was February 12th, but they were in Texas – so this was to celebrate with their friends and family in Iowa).

I realize that we love a reason to have a party and milestone events – graduations, anniversaries, birthdays (especially round numbers) are all a great reason to get together with people we love and celebrate. Again – the things I’m grateful for come back to people – the milestone events are just a reason to share with people.

So, if this were a Budweiser commercial I’d say “Milestone events… I salute you”. But since it’s my 100 Days of Gratitude Blog, I’ll just say, I’m grateful.


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