Day 97 – Big Computer Monitors

For an entertainer, I seem to spend a lot of time at my computer.

Today I’m especially grateful for big computer monitors. If you follow me on Twitter and Facebook you’ve probably noticed that I’m working a lot on redesigning our Game Shows To Go website. I tend to tweet a lot about a project that I’m heavily involved in at the time. I’m something of a dullard that way.

Back to the monitors…

You see – I’m 47 years old now and my eyesight isn’t what it used to me. There’s a “dead zone” between about 8 inches and 18 inches where I can’t see anything in focus with, or without glasses.

With my 37″ computer monitors I can easily sit at my desk and see everything with no troubles at all.

I actually have two 37″ monitors on my desk, one for my MacBookPro and one for my PC. The PC has a second 25″ monitor hooked up to it just for Outlook to run on so I can always see my calendar and e-mail.

Kim has one on her desk too and so do my boys Jonathan and Peter (though theirs are 32″ 1080p) – they got them for Graduation presents and they love them too.

If you get one you may think it’s ridiculous at first, but trust me, it’ll ruin you for all other monitors. I strongly recommend getting one.


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