Day 99 – I’m grateful for this project

I’m saving my favorite for Day 100. So tune in tomorrow (or the next day).

Today, on Day 99 I’m grateful for this project and all I’ve learned from it and how it’s helped me grow.

I started this on January 24, 2011. It took 174 days to do my 100 Days of Gratitude. But not because I’m a slacker.

I missed writing on some days because I didn’t want to just post what I was grateful for without explaining why. Even if it was only a paragraph or two. Sometimes I missed a day because I was traveling. Sometimes, like today, I skipped posting because I didn’t want to post at midnight when I was done with the writing.

I never once missed a day because I didn’t have something to be grateful for. Quite the opposite – I’ve always had PLENTY to be grateful.

The posts have not been in any order and with the exception of tomorrow’s post, none have been preplanned. Just what I’m grateful for on that day, at the time I sit down to write. Some are small (naps), some big (friends). All were truly things that I’m thankful for in my life – and I have plenty to be thankful for.

I’ve gone back and reread all of these posts and what I’ve written over the past 6 months and what I realize is that what I’m most thankful for is the PEOPLE in my life. Time and again I’m reminded what an awesome family I have and the most wonderful group of friends that a man could desire.

That group of friends grows all the time. Just one more thing I’m grateful for.

At the risk of sounding corny – my life is about LOVE. I get so much of it. From my family, my friends, my dogs (and cats), my teachers and my mentors – I have surrounded myself with the most talented, loving, friendly, funny and wonderful group of people I can imagine. I hope that each and every one of my friends gets as much out of knowing me as I get out of knowing them. People are what it’s all about.

If this project has taught me anything it’s the importance of taking the moment necessary to tell the people that are important to you that they are important.

I’m also grateful to the dozens of people who have told me they’ve enjoyed reading these posts and the few who have told me they’ve gone back and read them all. It inspired me to do the same. This project was done for ME – but I’m sure glad that you came along on the journey with me.

I encourage you to do this same sort of project. It doesn’t have to be public, do it just for yourself if you want to. Don’t worry about spelling, readers, order. Just worry about being honest and open about what you are grateful for. If you write it & post it, I’ll read it. I promise.


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