The 100 Days of Gratitude Project
For about 6 months, in 2011, I posted daily, or almost daily, something that I was grateful for.
It was a transformative experience to realize that I could have gone on with something new every day of my life. I may do it again fresh sometime soon.
I’ve gone through the trouble of reposting all of the posts on this newer website, but I’ve dated them as they were posted originally – down to the minute.
Mostly, these are a good reminder to ME of all I have to be grateful for, and it allowed me an opportunity to read them all again.
I say all, they may not all be here YET. But they will be. The process isn’t as easy as clicking a button to import – so it’s a labor of love that I’ll do at about 10 posts per session that I work on this website.
All of the photos are the photos that went with the original posts. I decided NOT to update them.